Upcoming Events

Book Launch Party!

Saturday, April 26 @ 2:00 PM

Swallowfield Farm: 7296 Telegraph Trail, Langley, BC.

Join us for a reading and Q&A, plus arts activities for kids, refreshments, and prizes. This will be a family-friendly event, and you’re welcome to hang around and enjoy the farm after the scheduled activities. The cats and chickens look forward to meeting you!

Canadian Children’s Book Week Tour

I’m very excited to be going on tour through the Canadian Children’s Book Week this spring. If you live in the Metro Vancouver area and are interested in hosting me for a visit between April 27th and May 3, you can read the workshop descriptions below and/or head to the Canadian Children’s Book Center website for more details.

One Piece of Chalk

Join Sara for a STEAM packed session, learning how science, art, and kindness go hand-in-hand. Sara will read her picture book, The Biggest Smallest Thing and share how she has been inspired by artists and scientists working together to make the world a better place. In the book, Muriel uses a single piece of chalk to think big and to think kind. Participants will have the opportunity, with their own piece of chalk, to draw a kind creation: a hopeful message, a spiral heart, or maybe a friendly Muriel-approved cat. Participants will experience the best kind of explosion: public art. Together, we will create something big from something small. 

Purple Pizazz!

Join Sara for a STEAM packed session, learning how science, art, and kindness go hand-in-hand. Sara will read her picture book, The Biggest Smallest Thing and share how she has been inspired by artists and scientists working together to make the world a better place. Both artists and scientists brainstorm through writing and drawing; one pencil, or even a crayon, could be the small seed to the next big idea. In the book, Muriel uses her favorite colour, purple pizazz, to think outside the box and to extend kindness to her friend, Mo, when he’s having a tough day. Participants will have the opportunity to use their favorite colour to create a card for someone. Guided by Sara and inspired by Mo’s and Muriel’s sketches, participants will decorate their cards with their own biggest, smallest things. They will have the opportunity to share their ideas, and they will take with them a little card that could make a big difference in someone’s day.

Molecules Working Together

Join Sara for a STEAM packed session, learning how science, art, and kindness go hand-in-hand. Sara will read her picture book, The Biggest Smallest Thing, and share how she has been inspired by artists and scientists working together to make the world a better place. Sara will walk participants through some of the science behind the students’ creations in The Biggest Smallest Thing. This will include a participatory sound experiment and even a demonstration of how meringue is made! Sara will connect the science of molecules to the importance of working together in community. Molecules join up to make beautiful things, and as people, so can we. 

48Grasshopper Estates Book Launch

48Grasshopper Estates Book Launch

Published by Annick Press and hosted by Kidsbooks, Sara de Waal will be giving a special reading of 48 Grasshopper Estates and answering your questions.

Join us at 7pm PDT (10pm EDT) for our exciting launch, and order your signed copy of 48 Grasshopper Estates from Kidsbooks! Follow the link below to register for this free event.


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48Grasshopper Estates Instagram Live

48Grasshopper Estates Instagram Live

Join Sara de Waal and award winning author, Danny Ramadan, over Instagram live as they discuss what it’s like to publish a first picture book, the exciting experience of working with an illustrator, their inspirations for their work, and more. https://www.instagram.com/annick_press/

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